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Watch 'The Graduates' amazing mix-up

Ever have someone mistake you for a celebrity or a famous athlete? 

If the mix-up ever happened in your life, this part of iFilm series 'The Graduates' can be a good choice for you to watch at 21:00 GMT. 

In the video, an awkward moment unfolds when non-celebs are mistaken for a huge star in volleyball. 

Directed by Soroush Sehhat, the series tells the story of three young men who need to find their way in Life.

Habib, one of the three, lives in Tehran and away from his family. He depends on his parents in all aspects of his life. He is even promised by his parents, in case he gets married, to be helped establish his own company.

His clumsy manners invite his mother and father to control him thoroughly. His parents even control the food in his fridge.

To change him into a tidy and organized person, his parents even go so far as to make him marry soon.

