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Niavaran expo celebrating Eid al-Ghadir

Tehran’s Niavaran Culture Center has been holding an art exhibition celebrating Eid al-Ghadir.

Opened on Friday, the expo is about the day on which Imam Ali (AS) was appointed as successor to the Prophet Muhammad [PBUH].

The exhibition is being organized with contributions from the Visual Arts Office of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and several others organizations.

A total of 58 works by painters, cartoonists, photographers, graphic designers, sculptors, illustrators and pottery makers are on display at the exhibition which will run until July 21.

Masoud Nejabati, Mohammad Khazaee, Masoud Zendehrouh, Kourosh Parsanejad, Mohammad-Reza Miri, Mina Sadr, Morteza Asadi, Saber Sheikh-Rezaee and Ali Hayati are some of the participating artists.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Visual Arts Office director Abdorreza Sohrabi said “In the great religion of Islam, Ghadir is God’s greatest feast. It is our religious duty to exploit all our capability to introduce and clarify the great feast”.

“Art is the most powerful means for introducing and clarifying the story of Ghadir, which has been represented in the best artistic way in the artworks on view at the exhibition,” he added.

The artworks have been selected from the treasure trove of Iran’s Institute for Development of Contemporary Visual Arts.   

Dozens of artists are also holding workshops during the exhibition.

Eid al-Ghadir will also be observed in an art project initiated by Tehran Municipality’s Beautification Organization.

Artists such as Hassan Rouholamin, Ali Bahreini, Mostafa Goudarzi and Hassan Jafarinia have been hired to produce murals on Imam Ali (AS) along the Imam Ali (AS) Highway in Tehran. The murals will be unveiled today.

