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Vancouver filmfest to host ‘Like a Fish on the Moon’

Iranian feature film ‘Like a Fish on the Moon’ has been scheduled to take part in the 2022 Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) in Canada.

Dornaz Hajiha’s feature film directorial debut will hit the screen at the Panorama program of the Canadian film event’s 41st edition.

When their seemingly happy four-year-old son, Ilya, stops talking, Haleh and Amir consult a series of experts, but it is not long before their own relationship begins to suffer.

In the first scene, a psychologist probes their relationship and recommends that they reverse roles, that is, Amir should take over responsibility for getting Ilya dressed, feeding him, and the thousand other little things that his wife routinely does for their son. He grudgingly agrees. But it’s Haleh who really struggles with the new arrangement. She feels helpless and redundant. And Ilya still isn’t talking.

The annual VIFF includes “some of the best cinema from around the globe, talks, conferences, live performances and other unique events that celebrate film and film culture,” writes an online submission platform of the event.

‘Like a Fish on the Moon’ has already participated in the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in the Czech Republic.

This year’s edition of the fest that is set for September 29- October 07 will also host Iran and France co-production ‘Solar Eclipse’ and Behrouz Shoeibi’s ‘No Prior Appointment’.

