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فارسی عربي


Enjoy tour of Iran’s Ghouri Gol wetland

The Ghouri Gol wetland is considered among the stagnant waters of Azarbaijan Province in Iran.

The depth of this blue zone reaches 13 meters at the deepest point in the best water conditions. In recent years, the wetland was at risk of destruction due to drought and unsustainable use of water resources, but recently it has been restored with implementation of some important measures, including allocation of water rights and management of water resources in the area.

Stretching over 200 hectares, Ghouri Gol, together with the adjacent reed marshes, is an important breeding area for waterfowl. It is of national and international importance due to being host to a large number of migratory birds, such as flamingos, coots, ruddy shelduck, and white-headed ducks.

