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فارسی عربي


Terror blasts shatter young dreams, innocence

Here is a poignant reminder of the young lives lost in the terror attacks in Iran's Kerman Province.

Our hearts are heavy as we mourn them and stand in solidarity with their families and friends.

Amid the shattered dreams and extinguished innocence, the voice of conscience never makes any mistakes.

No to terror and no to violence!

Two terrorist blasts on Wednesday claimed the lives of at least 73 people in Kerman Province.

These explosions took place in proximity to the burial site of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, where people had gathered to commemorate his fourth martyrdom anniversary.

The Emergency Organization of Iran reported that the blasts left at least 170 others injured.

General Soleimani who played a significant role in combating Daesh terrorists was assassinated on January 3, 2020, in a US drone strike.

