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iFilm's movies for upcoming weekend

Catch the latest updates on iFilm TV Channels' weekend movies and plan your TV time based on your language of choice.

The weekend varies through the sister channels of iFilm English, Arabic, Farsi and iFilm2. Therefore, the end of week falls on Thursday on iFilm2 and iFilm Farsi, Friday and Saturday on iFilm Arabic, and Saturday on iFilm English.

Check the movie titles and their air time based on the language and channel you prefer.

iFilm English:

iFilm English TV will air ‘Sweet Spring’ on Saturday February 3 at 22:00 GMT.

It follows the story of the generation gap between the young people before the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the young people after it. It tells the stories of a family during the year that the Islamic Revolution took place in Tehran and Kashan.


Expect a spy thriller titled ‘Evil’s Hand’ on iFilm2 to come to you on Thursday February 1 at 16:30 GMT.

After the Tabas incident and the failure of the US military forces to rescue the hostages in the embassy, ​​a spy arrives in the Iranian capital city as a photographer to identify the location of the hostages. A group of security officers find out about the spy and keep him under surveillance.

iFilm Farsi:

Tune in to iFilm Farsi on Thursday February 1 at 17:30 GMT to watch ‘Jamil’.

Jamil’s father works in the house of Smith, head of the Iran-UK transport company who is involved in arms smuggling. Jamil stops the father from continuing to work at Smith's house; so, Smith gets into a fight with him. Following that, Jamil is jailed. Once he gets released, he fights with Smith and his agents as he learns that his son died while he was in the prison.

iFilm Arabic:

In the case you wish to watch iFilm’s ‘Sweet Spring’ in Arabic, tune into ifilm Arabic this Friday February 2 at 19:00 GMT.

The channel is also set to televise ‘The Golden Collars’ in Arabic on Saturday February 3 at 19:00 GMT.

Maziyar Fanaeezadeh, the senior MI6 spy of Iranian origin arrives in Iran with a face off. The Ministry of Intelligence recognizes the spy and missions one of its forces as a taxi driver to take care of him. On the other hand, one of the MI6 spies who has infiltrated the Ministry of Intelligence reveales the identity of the driver to Maziyar and he escapes after killing the driver.

