The series, produced by Hamid Aqagolian and directed by Mehran Modiri, is about a man who has recently won a pricey car in a bank draw.
On the day he goes to the bank to claim his prize, he figures out that another man has also won it. In fact, they must share the car.
Things coming up next give you plenty of chances to laugh out loud.
The cast list of the series includes Falamak Joneidi, Siamak Ansari, Seyyed-Javad Razavian, Behnoush Bakhtiyari, Mohammad-Reza Hedayati, Reza Shafiee-Jam, Roshanak Ajamian, and the director.
‘The Grand Prize’, made in 2005, is scheduled to replace the series ‘The Man with a Thousand Faces’, which airs daily at 19:00 GMT.
iFilm English TV will also repeat each episode of the comedy the next day at 03:00, 08:00 and 14:00. The series is comprised of 13 episodes.