The series finale, produced by Iraj Mohammadi as well as Mehran Maham and directed by Daryoush Farhang, will be aired on March 2, 2023 at 21:00 GMT.
The series narrates the story of Mahshid, a strong girl who stands against all the hardships in her life.
Her most challenging hardships start when she finds out that her mother is suffering from a fatal disease.
The series cast list includes Anahita Hemmati, Zohreh Hamidi, Homeyra Riyazi, Amin Zendegani, Bita Farrahi, the late Parviz Pour-Hosseini, Shahram Haqiqatdoust, Ziba Boroufeh, and Mehdi Hashemi.
‘Spellbound’, produced in 2004, will be replaced by the series ‘Leila's Loneliness’ directed by Mohammad-Hossein Latifi.