The movie, produced by Morteza Shayesteh and written and directed by Ali Hatami, progresses along two distinct but interwoven series of events.
The first series involves young members of a family who have gathered round their old mother and revive their common childhood memories.
The second line focuses on the old woman’s preparations for her last journey and her joyous cooperation in arranging for the ceremonies that are to be observed after her death.
The movie cast list includes Amin Tarokh, Roqayyeh Chehrehazad, Akbar Abdi, Hamideh Kheirabadi, Mohammad-Ali Keshavarz, Farimah Farjami, Akram Mohammadi, Jamshid Hashempour, Mahboubeh Bayat, and Hamid Jebeli.
‘Mother’, made in 1989, is scheduled to go on air at 22:00 GMT.
iFilm English TV will also repeat the movie the next day at 04:00, 10:00 and 16:00.