The series, produced by Iraj Mohammadi as well as Mehran Maham and directed by Fereydoun Hassanpour, tells the story of a young girl named Sara who is her family’s one and only daughter.
She’s lived a pampered life since she was born, but her destiny changes drastically when her parents decide to take a trip.
What follows is the unraveling of extremely upsetting truths about Sara, her family and her future.
On the cast list are Sorayya Qasemi, Danial Hakimi, Sam Derakhshani, Shaqayeq Farahani, Behzad Farahani, Pourandokht Mohaymen, the late Mehdi Fathi, Majid Salehi, Atabak Naderi, Ziba Naderi, Fatemeh Sadeqi, Hamid-Reza Afshar, and the late Reza Zhian.
‘Father’s House’, produced in 2000, will be replaced by the series ‘The Days of Life’ made by Sirous Moqaddam.